Thursday, December 22, 2011

Something to be Grateful for: Forgiveness

It saddens me to think of how many people around the world--families and friends--are estranged due to conflict, disagreement or some presumed animosity that takes precedence above the love that once solidified a bond. I understand that in many instances, treaties are agreed upon, but the relationship that once was can never be reclaimed. Some pain never completely goes away. And for the case of many friendships, I agree with the old adage that says, some friends are for but a season, and others are for a lifetime.  

In considering what makes us special; what makes us unique in this universe, I would say that one of the most beautiful characteristics of the human design is that we all have engrained in us the ability to forgive. Weather we exercise this ability or not is subject to our own individuality, but when we let pride or fear prevent us from realizing one of the absolute gifts of being human, we are, in fact, failing to master all that we are capable of. 

As we head into a new year, please know that it is never too late to realize what you are capable of. Be grateful for forgiveness. Be willing to forgive and know that you are worthy of being forgiven.   


  1. This post is my favorite. You don't take away anything without giving something back. The reader walks away empowered.

  2. You have enlightened me with your words, they speak to my heart, my aching heart. The fear you speak of has ordered my steps over the last decade of my life....fear of rejection, fear of judgement, fear of opposition, fear of facing those I love most and feeling I have not lived up to certain expectations. I love me and the struggle I have endured and I am reclaiming all that I have so foolishly pushed away, knowing that only God orders my steps. ~clw
